

Left: “Skeletorre” Made in collaboration with Einar and Jamex De La Torre


TouchStop was first shown in a large window space en route to Oakland CA City Hall, in the Frank Ogawa Plaza. Installing this work generated all sorts of responses from the passing crowds. The best was people mouthing “I like that”, the worst was the man who smashed on the window late at night yelling profanities at my team. But for that one moment of hate there was a multitude of positivity.

PRO ARTS & COMMONS: PROJECT SPACE | Jun 7 - Aug 24, 2019 | Pro Arts Gallery & COMMONS is a space for art, debate, experimentation, and collaboration. We are a multi-use space in downtown Oakland, California that houses exhibitions, symposiums, debates, music events, film screenings, literary events, residencies and publications.

As an artist my aim is to foster opportunities for people to understand and empathize with feminist ideologies. I aim to create experiential works that catalyze conversations, where the presentation of the experience is not specific to any one gender and participants can safely share their perspectives, however different. I have always tried to veer away from preaching experiences. I believe people learn best through experiencing situations themselves and because of this, I strive to make work that encompasses people and immerses them in new situations. My upcoming show, Touch Stop, is designed to foster empathy by engaging participants in an understanding of what it’s like to be “a woman in a man’s world”, and challenging beliefs that tolerate aggressive, coercive, objectifying and controlling behaviour. Touch Stop is a series of installed exhibitions comprised of a 100 hand-sculpted, glass phalluses intended to generate a more unified understanding of the lady experience. This show works to catalyze the #MeToo conversation, making safer communities through advocacy, education and empowerment.



Featured in Freq Magazine | Article by Jess Arc


Men are blind to sexism. I couldn’t realize the importance of Marta’s show until I saw it. In the verge of this important discussion about equality, the [Touch Stop] proves to be a powerful tool to help men feel the unknown pains and sensations women go through. It sparks an important debate towards gender equality
— Brazil
Miss Gorski’s work is a step towards equality in the sense that it targets men’s understanding of a womanly feeling: constant, abundant, unwanted sexual solicitation. I hope and believe this exhibition is the first in a long line of similar projects.
— France
To sum up my experiences with these ideas in just a few sentences almost feels too challenging considering the broad range of thoughts and emotions that get stirred up. These works are challenging, on multiple levels. My initial reaction of discomfort around the objects forced me to confront my own masculinity, could it be as fragile as the fragile glass phalli? Likely! Considering the female perspective and commentary we’ve discussed on power structures and gender identity I am also forced into self-reflection and the observation of my own behaviours. Have I made women feel this intimidated, uncomfortable, threatened before? Likely! But truthfully the most magnetic aspect of this work to me is that despite the heavy topics that I was confronted with, it was fun and funny. I was able to laugh with comfort within my discomfort, something I have rarely experienced.
— Canada
Over the last couple of years, I’ve seen the [Touch Stop], aka “the dick show” or “those glass dicks” taking shape and slowly understanding that more than captivating pieces the future assemble and potential exhibition is a fundamental piece of art for our times. It is visually engaging, even beautiful, yet bringing different layers of reflection and understanding.

Personally, I feel that’s the kind of art the world needs right now. Interesting, Provoking, and capable of raising the right questions by literally pointing dicks at your face.
— Brazil

If I'm going to blow a glass dick, I'll enlist a group of men to help me.